Jamison Wildlife

Adventure Index Very Short Stories

J. R. Bob Jamison ~ 1930-2012

Newspaper Obituary Stories


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Bob Jamison

Bob Brister on Bob Jamison: "He is the only man I have known to wear a shirt and tie into the rice field ... he gets in such a hurry to go duck hunting he doesn't even bother to change clothes.

These are a few of Bob Brister's columns about the two Bob's hunting and fishing trips. Each one, of course, explains how they got out into and out of trouble.

Bob Brister and Articles


In the jungles of British Honduras lives the 'Big John' Littlejohn family. Their nearest neighbors are parrots, toucans, 500 lb tapirs, Jaguars, vampire bats, wild jungle pigs and the occasional Witch Doctor.

  The following three-part series was written by 'Anonymous'. However, the author's identity is innocently revealed by my Grandmother's, Bob's Mother's, notation.

Big John Stalks 'El Tigre'', Part 1 (Jaguars)

The Littlejohn Family of the Rainforest, Part 2 (Vampire Bats)

The Littlejohn Family of the Rainforest, Part 3 (Jungle Pigs)

November 27, 1969, American Rice Growers Association, Dayton Division Goose Hunt. This sporting event was held each year for the executives and officials of the Houston Bank for Co-Ops and for local farmers and their guests. Dignitaries in attendance included various company & banking executives, a TV newscaster and an astronaut.

1969 Goose Hunt

Pheasant Hunting - Behind the Iron Curtain, Hungary
The Pheasant
Lunch During the Hunt
Dining at the Lodge

Hunt Friends

Herman McGowan, Fisherman's Friend
Early morning fishing
Herman fishing in Belize

Hunting Grouse in Colorado with Pieter Cramerus and Jerry Swearingen

Fishing in Colorado stream with Pieter Cramerus

Contact: Daughter Ann